
FAQ-WebStore - FAQs

  1. What do I need to use the WebStore?

    Our site works best with the latest versions of ChromeFirefox, Safari, Opera, and Internet Explorer. We recommend that Internet Explorer users upgrade to version 10 or 11 as soon as possible for the enhanced security and display capabilities they incorporate. You will find that the site also works on most late-model mobile (smartphones, tablets) browsers as well. Safari users should note that Privacy mode has to be turned off, as it prevents our site from using local storage. If you prefer using "private" or "incognito" browsing modes, we suggest any of the other browsers listed above, as they permit and safeguard local data storage.

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  2. Why do I have to register?

    In the name of security and customer service, we ask visitors to register with us before placing an order. It's fast and free, and we will never sell your private information. Plus, it allows returning customers to view current and past orders at any time.

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  3. How do I place an order?

    Simply register online (requires an email address) and create a project (bid) by selecting from either ‘Face Frame Cabinets’, ‘Full Access Cabinets’, ‘Cabinotch Drawer Boxes’, or by uploading a valid KCD job file. Contact customer service for assistance.

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  4. Can I merge saved carts?

    Yes, you can combine any two saved carts to make a new one. Simply use the Merge Carts panel found on either Saved Carts page (Cart > Saved Carts, or My Account > Saved Carts). Merging two carts does not replace, modify, or delete the original carts. If you need more help, read our Merging Cabinotch Carts help document (PDF) for more detailed instructions.

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  5. How long does it take to make my order?

    Typically, we ship orders somewhere within 6-10 business days. Our current lead times will be listed on the webstore's Home Page once you are signed in. Please reference the currently posted Cabinotch Lead Time at time of order. If you have questions about the current status of your order, please reference your 'Order History' by way of the 'My Account' page, the current status of your order will be posted there. You will be emailed a tracking number and shipment information when your order ships.

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  6. How is my order shipped?

    You order is shipped via LTL Priority freight. If you are in the Midwest or East, your order will be delivered in about 2-3 working days. When placing an order, please select if residential delivery and/or you will need a liftgate service in the event you are not in a commercial area or in a rural area. You must have semi truck accessibility, and be prepared to unload a heavy pallet that may require a forklift or dock if you do not select these options. Not that upon handling in our shipping department, you will get emailed a copy of the generated Bill of Lading which will include shipment information including: Carrier, PRO/tracking number, number of handling units, and Weight/Dimensions of those pallets.

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  7. Can you send me a price list?

    No, there is no printed price list. Every inch, species, and customization changes the price, so such a list would be practically endless. We pride ourselves on how easy it is to get pricing on custom orders. You should be able to estimate or bid entire projects with minimal time commitment. Please contact customer service at 877-413-4299 Ext 1 for assistance in getting started.

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